Beauty tips for Brides – Part 2

This is Part 2 . Click here for Beauty tips for Brides – Part 1

6. Be sure to try your dress on the week before the wedding. I had a corset type wedding dress which was boned at the top and had very little room for adjustment and when I tried my dress on the week before it was a tiny bit too big for me. Luckily, I gain weight very easily (lol) and I managed to fill out a little bit by drinking Guiness and eating pies for a week! However, if the dress would have been too tight I would have needed a professional adjustment so that I could be completely happy and comfortable on the big day.

7. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to have a cut off point of activity on the day before your wedding so that you will have some time to relax and therefore have a better chance of getting a good night’s sleep on your wedding day eve. A long hot bath and a favourite movie will help to relax your mind and even though you I’ve never known a bride to be tired on the actual day, as adrenaline and excitement will be doing it’s job, we all feel, and look, much better when we have had a good night’s rest.

8. Think about your choice of shoes on the big day, and if you are going more for style than comfort (as most brides do) then consider taking a pair of flats or kitten heels for the outdoor photos and late night dancing. I’ve seen some gorgeous wedding shoes in my time, and of course we all want to look and feel as beautiful as possible on the big day, but if you are uncomfortable and your feet are sore, then you won’t be as happy as you should be.

9. Make sure that whoever will be helping you into your dress on the day has time to practise getting you into it. Some dresses have a lace-up back which takes a long time to thread properly, some dresses have lots of small buttons which need to be closed with a crochet hook whilst wearing cotton gloves and even a simple zip –up dress can have hoops and loops which need to be adjusted. It is usually best for the helpers to be dressed first, as this looks better on the photos, but this all takes time, and it is actually quite physically exerting to help somebody else get dressed when you are fully made up and dressed yourself. This is why practise is so important, along with a fan and an open window to keep everybody cool and unflustered!

10. Remember that you will still want to look like you on your wedding day. If you aren’t used to wearing high heels or if you don’t usually wear much make-up, then don’t feel like you have to take these on board for your big day…if you are not comfortable then don’t do it! Also, be careful of following the latest trends just for the sake of it…huge eyebrows and 3d nails may be all the rage today, but remember there is nothing wrong with being classically beautiful if that’s your thing….just be yourself…at your most fabulous of course!